We can help you with residence permit for study purposes requested by non-European Union citizens.
As soon as you arrive in Italy, the first thing to do within 8 days is the residence permit.
If you intend to stay in Italy for longer than three months, you will need an entry permit for study purposes.
W.A.I provides assistance to extra-EU students who intend to continue their university education in Italy: the Association has made available the Welcome Combo for extra-EU citizens requesting an residence permit over to 90 days for study purposes.
For the first issue of the residence permit for study purposes, the student must have the following documents:
For the renewal of the residence permit, the student must obtain:
Services provided by Europ Assistance Italia S.p.A. – Consult the information set.
The Coverage is valid until the date of completion of the 65th (sixty-fifth) year of age.
Services provided by Generali Italia S.p.A. – Consult the information set.
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